
Image description: Harriet has created a braille image of a wood and used cut-out paper shapes to create eight tall trees standing in a row.  She has brailled light brown paper for the tree trunks and two different shades of green for the leaves. Brailled all across the trunks and leaves are different names of trees – lime, apple, oak, eucalyptus and palm are just a few that we spotted! The leaves have been stuck on using raised fixers giving the picture a layered effect.

Braille is an important part of my life and so, I decided to enter the VICTA Braille Art competition to help celebrate World Braille Day.

I didn’t want to do anything too complicated, so I used my Perkins Brailler and wrote out different names of trees on coloured paper. Once I’d done that, I had some support with cutting out all the names and constructing a picture of a tree with them. I cut the paper into the shape of a trunk and did the same for the branches and leaves. When I’d finished, it looked fantastic with all the branches labelled with the variety of different trees.

I wanted to make a tree because I enjoy being outside and in nature, and I also wanted to showcase all the different types. I hope my story has inspired you to enter the Braille Art competition. You don’t have to do anything technical: you can create a beautiful picture just using braille and your imagination. Braille art is a wonderful thing so start getting creative and let your imagination run wild!      

By Harriet Smith