VICTA’s inaugural Summer Camp 2022 at Kingswood Dearne Valley was a success. Not only did the participants gain independence, develop new skills and challenge themselves daily through site activities such as high-ropes and raft-building, they also gained two recognised National awards – the John Muir Award and the Arts Award.

“I feel more independent and more motivated than before I went. My Mum said she has really noticed the difference in me since coming home.”

(Partially sighted participant, 17)

External providers were instrumental in helping students achieve their John Muir and Arts Award. This included the National Youth Agency, and the Doncaster charity ‘Higher Rhythm’ who deliver music-based projects. The National Youth Agency’s Design Thinking activity, tasked participants with ‘disrupting’ the two items they use the most to make them more accessible and better performing.

“I know where my weaknesses are, and I can change them into strengths. I also realised that I am fearless and have the willpower to do all the activities”

(Partially sighted participant, 17)


We chatted to our participants about what they achieved, learnt about themselves and making new friends!

The Summer Camp in pictures!