Staying at home doesn’t mean we can’t still connect and stay in touch. The move to working or studying from home is a big adjustment and can feel isolating. If you are in need of advice or help, please visit our list of organisations who can help:

Keeping a structure to your day and giving yourself downtime and social interaction is really important. Here are some ideas of ways to stay socially, mentally and physically active from the comfort of your own home. 

As always, comment at the end of the post with your suggestions or chat to our ambassador team on Twitter and Instagram @Strive_VICTA.

If you are looking for content to support children and their families, please visit the VICTA Parent Portal and the VICTA Parent Network Facebook group.

1. Take part in our Positivity Project!

We are spreading joy and positivity online through the #VICTAPositivityProject by asking you to share your creative outlets. It’s just a nice way to come together in share in something that brings us happiness. Find out more here:

Positivity project

2. Reach out to your friends and family

You may not be able to meet up face-to-face but thanks to modern technology you can now have video chats and virtual parties. If you know someone who is particularly isolated, send a message and arrange a regular online meet up to look forward to. Here are some of the apps you could look into using:

  • Zoom – a free video chat app which allows several people to chat at the same time
  • Houseparty  – this video chat app has the addition of games to play (these games are visual so accessibility may be limited)
  • WhatsApp video call
  • FaceTime 

3. Learn something new

Time at home is a chance to learn something new and keeping your brain occupied can only be a good thing. There are lots of opportunities for online learning courses, here are some helpful sites we found:

4. Listen to an audio book

Finding time to read can be hard in our busy lives, so now is the perfect time to sit back and listen! Make a list of the books you want to read and work your way through.

5. Enjoying your books? Start an e-book club with your friends!

Turn your favourite books into a social occasion! Get your friends together and choose a book each, you could organise this on WhatsApp. Set goals of how much to read by a certain date, meet back and discuss! Rate the stories, chat about your favourite characters and set quizzes. 

6. Try some new recipes 

With less frequent access to the shops, it’s a good time to sit down and plan out meals. VICTA Young Ambassador Harriet will be sharing some of her favourite recipe’s to try and if you follow us at @Strive_VICTA on Instagram you will see Ibz has been sharing some of his healthy creations. 

7. Join an online event!

If you are on social media, you will probably have seen lots of live events popping up! On Facebook we’ve spotted a live pub quiz and a living room rave. You can search via the events on Facebook and watch out for virtual events. Here are some examples:

8. Music

If you have an instrument at home, music can be very therapeutic, you could even try writing your own music as a creative outlet. YouTube has lots of videos offering music tutorials if you would like to try and learn. 

  • If you don’t have an instrument why not give an app such as GarageBand a try and mix some tunes, you’ll be hosting a virtual club night before you know it!
  • Let’s Play Guitar – a collection of stepwise Braille and audio classical guitar lessons:

9. Keep active

With usual sporting outlets now unavailable it is important to find new ways to stay active at home. There are lots of fitness videos on YouTube but how about ones that are audio-described? 

  • Blind Alive Eyes free fitness – Creator Mel Scott has accessible audio only programmes on her YouTube channel. The workouts include yoga, Pilates, cardio, stretching and more. Each workout is described so you do not need to see the screen
    Visit the Blind Alive YouTube channel >
  • British Blind Sport have joined up with Sport England to launch #StayInWorkOut. They will be sharing audio exercise programmes covering a wide range of activities such as Yoga, Pilates, Cardio, Bootcamp and Strength among many others. Visit their website to find out more:
  • Ibz from the Young Ambassador team had been sharing his exercise routine on the STRiVE Instagram account: @Strive_VICTA
  • Contact your usual sport provider, you may find they are offering an online version of your usual class
  • Yoga is good for the body and mind, you will find lots of videos online such as this one:
    Look have yoga with Jess on their Instagram feed: @Look_uk
    Yoga with Ness – 30 minute yoga class for the visually impaired:
  • Look are also planning to release exercise routines onto their new YouTube channel:

10. Enjoy the radio

It seems an obvious one but radio shows are really doing their part to keep broadcasting and help people feel united! 

  • Follow RNIB Connect radio on Twitter for updates to their schedule, they’ve been running programmes such as blind yoga:
  • Do you have a favourite radio quiz? Why not arrange to play along with your friends? The VICTA team always connects at 10.30am on BBC Radio 2 to listen to Popmaster and share our answers and scores

12. Do the 30-day song challenge!

A great one to challenge your friends to, and share your answers. There could be some pretty eclectic playlists coming out of this list:

  1. A song you like with a colour in the title
  2. A song you like with a number in the title
  3. A song that reminds you of summertime
  4. A song that reminds you of someone you´d rather forget
  5. A song that needs to be played loud
  6. A song that makes you want to dance
  7. A song that needs to be played loud in a car
  8. A song about going out
  9. A song that makes you happy
  10. A song that makes you sad
  11. A song you never get tired of
  12. A song from your preeteen years
  13. A song you like from the 70s
  14. A song you´d love to be played at your wedding
  15. A song you like that´s a cover by another artist
  16. A song that´s a classic favourite
  17. A song you´d sing a duet with someone on karaoke
  18. A song from the year you were born
  19. A song that makes you think about life
  20. A song that has many meanings to you
  21. A song you like with a person’s name in the title
  22. A song that moves you forward
  23. A song you think everybody should listen to
  24. A song from a band you wish were still together
  25. A song you like by an artist no longer living
  26. A song that makes you want to fall in love
  27. A song that breaks your heart
  28. A song by an artist whose voice you love
  29. A song you remember from your childhood
  30. A song that reminds you of yourself

We might give this a go ourselves so tweet us @Strive_VICTA if you want to share your answers!

13. Take part in Window Wonderland

We don’t think this project should be limited to children! For those of you who enjoy art, you can join in this project with households around the country and stick your art in your window, there are different themes set out for different days:

  • 18 March – Rainbows
  • 21 March – Something for Mother’s Day
  • 24 March – Encouraging words
  • 27 March – Sunsets
  • 31 March – Silly faces/jokes
  • 3 April – Animals
  • 6 April – Space
  • 9 April – Easter theme
  • 13 April – Under the sea
  • 16 April – Flowers and plants
  • 19 April – Flags
  • 21 April – Hearts

If creating art isn’t something that is accessible to you, we’ve come up with some ideas for an accessible online version, tweet us @Strive_VICTA  on the day with what you find!

  • 18 March – Rainbows – wear something colourful
  • 21 March – Something for Mother’s Day – share a quote about Mothers
  • 24 March – Encouraging words – post your encouraging words on social media
  • 27 March – Sunsets – share your calming evening activity
  • 31 March – Silly faces/jokes – share these on social media
  • 3 April – Animals – share your top 5 favourite animals and tell us about your pets
  • 6 April – Space – tell us 5 amazing facts about space
  • 9 April – Easter theme – share your best recipe using chocolate
  • 13 April – Under the sea – share a short poem about the ocean
  • 16 April – Flowers and plants – make a nature alphabet – can you think of one for every letter of the alphabet?
  • 19 April – Flags – if you were going to have your own flag, what would your motto be?
  • 21 April – Hearts – share your favourite quote to warm the heart!

14. Fun with Alexa!

Alexa can be a useful tool to have around the house but also a great source of entertainment! Here are a few fun skills you could try:

  • “Alexa, open Beat the Intro”
  • “Alexa, open the Before or After Game”
  • “Alexa, open True or False”
  • “Alexa, open The Magic Door”
  • “Alexa, help me meditate”
  • “Alexa, play Trivia Hero”
  • “Alexa, give me a limerick”
  • “Alexa, tell me a joke”
  • “Alexa, play Animal Game”
  • Alexa, play Pointless”
  • “Alexa, open Tenable”
  • “Alexa, what’s the question of the day?”
  • “Alexa, what happened today in history?”
  • “Alexa, open Riddle of the Day”
  • “Alexa, open Escape the Room”
  • “Alexa, open body coach”

15. Tour a museum or gallery

Many museums and galleries have opened their doors virtually, some with voice over. We haven’t had a chance to test these yet so we’d love to hear from you on how accessible you find them!

16. Catch up with online bloggers and YouTubers

There are many talented bloggers out there, posting positive message and honest life accounts. Why not take some time out to read and engage. Here are some of our favourites.



17. Write your own blog or journal

Writing is a creative and productive way to manage your thoughts. If you want to take it live, you can set up blog sites relatively cheaply.

18. Celebrities to entertain you!

We aren’t the only ones confined to our homes, some of our favourite comedians and musicians are taking to social media to entertain the nation:

19. Organise your living space

Tidy home, tidy mind is an adage we all know but don’t always have time to follow. Now is a great time to declutter and organise your living space. Sort your books or music collection, create a catalogue!

20. Do what makes you happy and look after yourself

We all have different talents and things that bring us joy. Whatever yours is, take the time to do it. We all need to look after ourselves and be kind to each other. Let us know what you are doing to find your calm and happiness. Tweet us @Strive_VICTA.

You may find it helpful to take the Public Health England/Every Mind Matter quiz to get your own ‘mind plan’ to make sure your are taking care of your mental health: