Drive your ambition and achievement

We want to change what it is to be blind through our activities programmes that enable those impacted by blindness to live the lives they choose. We recognise that a job is so much more than a paycheque – it’s a means to self-reliance, a source of identity and pride and a gateway to a brighter future. We work to identify and strengthen those resources and skills required to meet work ambitions and break through barriers in the job market.

To make things happen we bring people, ideas and resources together in new and exciting combinations.


If you are thinking about future employment, doing well at school or studying at university can give you an advantage. However, do not forget, whatever grades you achieve, you will most likely be competing against others who have similar academic qualifications. Therefore, it’s your employability – the unique mix of skills, abilities and personal qualities you possess – that will make you stand out from the crowd.

Potential employers will look at all your achievements and experiences when considering you for employment, so make sure you develop your transferable skills and get some practical experience to make yourself more employable. VICTA activities are designed to support you develop these skills.

VICTA Young Ambassadors programme builds employability skills through strengthening team work, research and communications together with building planning, negotiation and time management skills. As do many of our residential activity breaks and expeditions within the UK and overseas.

Build up your work experience

Use your spare time and vacations to gain experience, develop new skills and strengthen your CV. Volunteering, work experience, placements or internships are all great ways to do this. Volunteering is a great way to help your community, see a real-life workplace and build your transferable skills. Finding a voluntary role that’s enjoyable and relevant to a potential career looks great on your CV.

Similarly get involved with local sports clubs and societies. Being part of a sports team or society shows dedication, teamwork and commitment – things employers love to see. Both are great ways to meet people with similar interests, and if there isn’t a society you fancy, you can show initiative and create your own – making sure to add this to your CV.

Employers often search for candidates online, so your online presence needs to be professional and current.

Audit your employability skills

Download our Employability Skills Audit and review your skills and build a plan of how to fill any gaps.

Click here to download the Word document >

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