By Ruqaiya Asim

Lockdown has been extremely difficult for a countless number of people. I understand that everyone has been affected in one way or another, I just want you to know that you are not alone! It may seem that way right now especially with social distancing, but I am here to tell you this does not mean shutting yourself off from the world. We are lucky, we have the internet and can find hundreds of ways to connect with our loved ones from a distance.

Instead of the term social distancing, I prefer physical distancing. We are all in this together, so let’s stick with each other to make it through this!

I know things have been harsh but there is still a light ahead. I am here to give a message of hope for the future. I know this won’t last forever and we will get through this. For now, I want to tell you guys about my dreams for the future and hope that you will be able to relate to this. And if yes, perhaps you can start planning what you are looking forward to when we get out of lockdown.


The word ‘hope’ written inside hearts

At the end of this year, I will complete my Level 3 extended Diploma in Art and Design. I am hoping to go to university and study fine art. This is something I am really excited about because I enjoy learning new things and I am open to new experiences.

Unfortunately, because of lockdown I have not been able to visit the universities I have applied to, which is a really scary thought! But I know I am not the only one: there are so many other students terrified they’ve made the wrong decision because they have not been able to visit where they have applied to. I know universities are doing their best, obviously this situation is not their fault at all. They have held online Open Days, however what worked best for me, was contacting  the universities directly and asking for a meeting over Microsoft Teams. Each university I contacted was very accommodating and I managed to have a chat with the course tutors and disability advisors. I found this extremely helpful and reassuring. I definitely suggest this for any other students with a disability, as you can discuss support and what they offer.

Getting back to college

Another thing I want to talk about is going back to college. As I mentioned earlier, this tough time is not going to last forever, and a few restrictions have started to ease, including that of going back to school and college. I have been back at college in person for about two weeks now and it has been really strange but also lovely at the same time. It’s crazy how everyone got used to working from home and how that became the new normal.

Imagine if we had told ourselves ten years ago that everyone would be working online from home in 2020/2021, they’d think we’d lost it! I think this is a really funny thought.

Anyway, going back on topic, I was really worried about going back. It has been so long since anyone really has had in-person social interactions. I was anxious thinking about it again and going back to the usual of being surrounded by people. I know that other students would also be feeling the same. But let me tell you, those butterflies you feel before going back in are only temporary, they do go away, and you get back into the swing of things in no time!

It is normal to get irrational fears about going back. Just remember they are irrational, don’t let your brain trick you! Everyone’s adjustment period varies, so please don’t compare yourself to others. Take it at your own pace and you will make it through this.

I found that I really enjoyed being back at college and catching up with people in person has been amazing. I hope everyone has a smooth transition going back into the real world. Just remember, it is going to be strange at first but the results are brilliant! Also have something to look forward to, create a goal for yourself in the future. It can be as big as a five-year plan of what you want to achieve, or even as small as a task you’re going to do later in the day! Even better, just a list of things you love and are looking forward to!


Would you like to find out more about Ruqaiya’s art?

Watch Ruqaiya’s video where she describes her art, with a little input from her pet bird!